Corporate and Academic
Recruiting talented immunologists?
Take advantage of the following hiring opportunities at IMMUNOLOGY 2017™ and reach more than 3,000 immunologists at all career stages!
AAI will provide complimentary job posting to any potential employer who is a registered participant or exhibitor of IMMUNOLOGY 2017™. This opportunity will allow employers to advertise and recruit on site during IMMUNOLOGY 2017™.
You may advertise your position via the virtual Jobs Board on the IMMUNOLOGY 2017™ website. By including a contact e-mail, you can screen interested applicants who send a resume or CV.
Advance Postings
To post job listings in advance of the meeting, employers must submit their listings to Employers must be registered participants or exhibitors of IMMUNOLOGY 2017TM at the time of submission. Postings should include the position title, organization, and location (city, state) in the heading, followed by the job description. Postings should also include the e-mail address of the recruiter’s designated contact. Please know that the online Jobs Board postings will include text only; logos or pictures cannot be accommodated.
Postings will be accepted beginning February 15, 2017 and will remain online until the end of the meeting. Ads will also be posted on the Jobs Board in the Exhibit Hall.
Posting Onsite
Employers wishing to post job listings after May 3, 2017, must bring their listings printed on 8½” x 11″ paper to the AAI office in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Ads submitted onsite will be posted on the Jobs Board in the Exhibit Hall.
Save thousands of dollars in recruiting expenses!